
Nova Teplitsa &#8482

Greenhouses to order

Ukraine is located in the temperate transition zone, which means that our climate is very diverse, and weather conditions in certain seasons are by no means mild. Frequent frosts and heat waves are an attractive variation of our weather reality for many, but for gardeners they are a big problem. This is where summer cottages or farm greenhouses come in handy.

Greenhouses extend the season for gardeners and vegetable growers

Gardeners and vegetable growers cope with the heat. With abundant watering, plants can survive even several weeks of heat. The situation is worse with unexpected frosts, which can ruin crops in late spring and early autumn. The ideal solution in this case are garden greenhouses, summer cottages, farm greenhouses, hotbeds and wall greenhouses. A properly designed home greenhouse allows you to grow plants from February to November. Garden, summer cottage and farm greenhouses are a profitable investment, allowing you to grow early vegetables, seedlings, early varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

Our plant has been operating since 1995 and during this time has not stopped improving and creating new ergonomic and durable greenhouse models. At the same time, the characteristics of the frame and coating materials are improved; construction technologies, heating systems, drip irrigation, lighting in greenhouses are improved. The company has extensive experience in creating various greenhouses - from the smallest hothouses to huge greenhouse complexes.

If the standard greenhouse sizes do not suit you, you can order a greenhouse of any size to order. To do this, just contact us

We are everywhere

At our production facility you can order any type of greenhouse with any parameters convenient for you. In our store you can choose a greenhouse yourself from the proposed shapes and models, order a greenhouse completely according to your preferences, calculate its approximate cost. If you need advice on choosing a type of greenhouse, you can get it from Leonid Markovich for free.


Kyiv, st. Kyiv, 2 (Sofievskaya Borshchagovka).

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